Testing and Analysis

Significant testing has been carried out on the system as part of the development process. A combination of lab bench tests, simulated leak events and real property installations have all contributed to the data pool. Check out the monitoring webapp to view data collected from one of our installed units.

Leak data
Several leak test simulations have been carried out with real flooring to determine system response and calculate appropriate alert threshold levels. See the data collected below for a sensor 20cm away from the leak initiation site, versus a control sensor in a different location in the house.

This slow leak was initiated 4 hours before the first large drop in sensor readout was detected and continued to drop for several days even after the leak was stopped, as moisture continued to travel through the timber.

Below is a photo of what could be seen on the surface of the timber when this alert was raised. Even though the moisture appears far from the sensor (placed on the underside of the floorboards) it can be detected quickly due to how moisture travels through the material and the sensitivity of the system.